Your Name
Jake Turner
Your city
Fort Pierce, FL
What overall rating would you give AquaTek Pro Water Purification Co.?
5 stars
How would you rate the customer service?
5 stars
How would you rate the value for money?
5 stars
How would you rate the work done?
5 stars
Was the work area left in better condition than found?
5 stars
Did our representative act in a professional manner at all times?
5 stars
Do you have any comments or other feedback?
Everything turned out awesome! We could not be happier with how everything turned out! Old system gone! The other company kept telling us there was nothing wrong and we had the worst water in the county and that we should be happy with the water we have.We knew it was getting worse! That’s why we called you. The water has never been this good! Thank you AquaTek!!! Awesome company!!!

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