R. Poness

Your Name
Ronald Poness
Your city
Vero Beach
What overall rating would you give AquaTek Pro Water Purification Co.?
5 stars
How would you rate the customer service?
5 stars
How would you rate the value for money?
5 stars
How would you rate the work done?
5 stars
Was the work area left in better condition than found?
5 stars
Did our representative act in a professional manner at all times?
5 stars
Do you have any comments or other feedback?
I trust John more than any of the other companies I received estimates from. His price was better, his equipment was equal or superior. I will use him again.
Also some other companies tried to double talk me into using them and offered 2nd rate equipment at a higher price. John was honest and answered all questions.

Customer Review at: AquatekPro.com